Secret vow renewal

by David
(Texas , USA)

My wife and I will be traveling to Venice July 3-5, 2024.

It will be our 25th wedding anniversary. Does anyone have any suggestions on an inexpensive vow renewal since it will just be my wife and I?

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Aug 02, 2023
Bookable VOW in Venice
by: Rudmer

Good afternoon David,

How nice of you to do this! And Venice is a wonderful place, of course. I have no experience with new wedding vows in Venice. But I know very well 'wedding vows' are organized on a gondola. It is even bookable here, so you can renew your wedding vows on a Venetian Gondola if you want it easy.

I am curious if it worked and about the experience. Let us know.

Lots of love!

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By Rudmer Hoekstra (author):

Start looking for a cheap place to sleep in Venice