Discover Venice Restaurants
My Favorite Restaurants and Top 10 Dishes
Check these Quality Restaurants for Real Venetian Price Value

Venice, Italy, offers a great dining experience. Enjoy the best Venice restaurants. Not all restaurants are of top quality. And around the tourist areas, it is sometimes better to skip this restaurant because of the high menu prices. So be aware.

What is good to know is that around Rialto, there are some good quality restaurants with local and fresh food. Obvious, of course, because it's next to the market of the Rialto.

In this article I'll tell you everything you need to know about restaurants in Venice.

  1. ...Top Favorite Venice Restaurants
  2. ...Food & Beverage restaurant in Venice
  3. "Venetian Extravaganza: Dine Amidst Baroque Elegance & Mesmerizing Performances!"
  4. ...Top 10 what to Eat in Venice Restaurants?
  5. Venice Restaurants - Saving Tip! - Eating outside Venice
  6. How to cook the delights of Venetian cuisine by yourself
  7. Having Tips About a Venice Restaurant? Write about it here!

...Top Favorite Venice Restaurants...

Venice Restaurants Italy Spritz!

The lovely fish dishes, pizza, and pasta. Food is essential for Italians - food and drink - or, as the Venetian says, "Ombra e Cicchetti." I will tell you about my favorite Venice restaurants and the Top 10 favorite dishes in Venice, Italy. 

I made my top 5 eateries in Venice, which you can visit with your partner. And you'll notice that the local Venetians eat at these restaurants also. Then it must be good!

And a wise tip from me: it is better to contact or call the restaurant in the morning and ask for a reservation for the evening! Just do it, it's fun. Most speak (poor) English. Do you have any Venice Restaurant Tips? Read or Share Restaurant Review Here >

This is what you need in Venice. Guide me to the...

Venice Restaurant Vini da gigio

Nr. 1. Vini da Gigio: This is my winner! Every once in Venice, I try to eat here. It is a small restaurant but with a good reputation. The atmosphere and the food are fantastic!

The menu changes occasionally; my wife loves Spaghetti with squid ink (black), but it is not always on the menu. Upon entering, the owners welcome you with a radiant smile.

And with the wine, it makes it a perfect combination. Price between €40.00 - €50.00 p.p. Please read about my experience with this Venice Restaurant: Vini da Gigio >

Restaurant Address: Sestiere Cannaregio 3628A - 30121, Cannaregio. Look it up via your smartphone, tablet, or the map of Venice!

Venice restaurants Trattoria alla Madonna

Nr. 2. Trattoria alla Madonna: Traditional restaurant with excellent fresh fish. I love Anguilla fritta (fried eel), but the risotto as a side dish is also amazing.

You sit here cozily together with little space between the tables. But the operation of the senior servers is top! Many tourists, but also local people, know their way to this great restaurant in Venice. Price between EUR 30,00 - 40,00 p.p. Please read all about my experience with this restaurant: Trattoria alla Madonna >

Restaurant Address: Calle della Madonna 594, San Polo. Look it up via your smartphone, tablet, or the old map of Venice! It's near the Rialto Bridge.

Venice Restaurants Osteria Da Alberto

Nr. 3. Osteria Da Alberto: Wandering in Venice and wondering where we're going for dinner tonight?

So I walked along this Osteria. It was still closed, but there was a queue of 10 people. Then it must be good. I looked it up quickly and thought, I want to eat... And what a real Venetian food!

During the day, they have chiccheti tapas and delicious dishes in the evening. And the atmosphere of the history of Venice is perfect. And what happened? I could get a table for two, but then we had to leave at 20:00. Spent over half an hour and enjoyed it! Super, at a perfect price from EUR 25,00 - 35,00 p.p...

Restaurant Address: Calle Giacinto Gallina 5401, Cannaregio. Look it up via your smartphone, tablet, or a map of Venice!

Venice Restaurants Traghetteria Toscana

Nr. 4. Fiaschetteria Toscana: Historic restaurant with a courtyard and delicious food. Their dish with lobster is my favorite. 

The location of the restaurant is near the Rialto Bridge. You walk towards the Cannaregio neighborhood, beyond the department store COIN. A few more steps and the restaurant is on the left. Price EUR 50.00 - 60,00 p.p.

Restaurant Address: Salizada S. Giovanni Grisostomo 5719, Cannaregio. Look it up via your smartphone, tablet, or on a map of Venice!

...Food & Beverage restaurant in Venice

I'm sure you are excited about the above top 4 restaurants in Venice. But, maybe you want to have a more easygoing...

Venice Restaurants Osteria All'Arco

Nr. 5. Osteria All'Arco: Want something authentic? A quick bite, but something very Venetian? Near the Rialto Bridge, you can find Osteria All 'Arco. The snack bar is where you can experience the best 'ombra e cicchetti.'

Therefore, this Venice Osteria Bar is on my number 5 of the best eating places in Venice, Italy. For the real Venetian food fans, this restaurant is a must-visit to enjoy a meal in this bar type!

What to eat? Small snacks: For example, little sandwiches with wine or a spritz on the other hand. You often have to eat while standing because there is no seating. Surprise yourself and ask for the chef special! It's not expensive. One wine and a dish are only EUR 5,- p.p.

If the Rialto Market is open, this Osteria restaurant is crowded with food lovers. Every day, the ingredients are straight from the local market! 

Restaurant Address: Calle dell'Ochialer 436, San Polo. Look it up via your smartphone, tablet, or a map of Venice!

Want to be entertained and get great food in Venice? Then visit a...

"Venetian Extravaganza: Dine Amidst Baroque Elegance & Mesmerizing Performances!"

Tickets for the Venice Dinner Show

Enjoy a delicious gala dinner with singers, dancers, acrobats, and musicians.

Yes, this kind of entertainment has also arrived in Venice!

It's fun, and the food is excellent.

I haven't visited it yet, but some people recommended it. So I hope you like it! 

The restaurant is antique, with chandlers and a lot of baroque-style furniture.

You can drink wine, eat meat, fish, or be veggie, and with a gorgeous dessert, it is a complete food and entertainment program! 

A local bar is much more enjoyable for a quick bite and a drink. In Venice, they call this an Osteria! Or how about a bar where you can drink a spritz or wine while standing and eating Venetian Cicchetti.

Venice Restaurants Pizza

It would help if you did not think of a pub as we know it but as a food bar/cafe. A famous American eatery is Venice's Harry's Bar. The price of the drinks and the food is terrible and expensive. It depends on how much service you will get from the waiter.

So be aware when you order. For me, it was not a pleasant experience. The servers let me and my wife sit downstairs. And you can not look outside. But skim my experience at Harry's Bar. This cafe is near the Piazza San Marco at the quayside and opposite vaporetto station S. Marco (Vallaresso).

All great information. But when I'm in a restaurant in Venice, what is the...

...Top 10 what to Eat in Venice Restaurants?

  1. Carpaccio: Raw beef sliced thin and sprinkled with flakes of Parmesan cheese.
  2. Sarde in Saor: Fried sardines in a sweet and sour mixture of onions, currants, and pine nuts.
  3. Antipasto di Frutti di Mare: Seafood platter of octopus, anchovies, shrimp, or whatever else is in season.
  4. Prosciutto e Melone: The salty cured Parma ham contrasts the sweetness of wedges of melon.
  5. Risotto di Pesce: Clams, mussels, shrimp, and assorted fish in a heavenly creamy rice dish.
  6. Pasta con il Nero di Seppia: Spaghetti combined with a sauce of tomato and cuttlefish.
  7. Fegato alla Veneziana: Calves liver simmered with onions and vinegar.
  8. Grilled Fish: Such as monkfish or swordfish from the south
  9. Grilled Vegetables: Red chicory or courgettes and aubergine and roasted pepperoni.
  10. Tiramisú: Dessert with a creamy egg sauce, mascarpone, and sponge drenched in coffee or liqueur. 
  11. Spaghetti with cuttlefish: This is squid ink that colors the spaghetti black. Beware, you get a black tongue and lips as well.

Venice Restaurants - Saving Tip! - Eating outside Venice

Venice restaurants eating

Why shouldn't you sit at St. Marc Square on a terrace where the orchestra is playing? Of course, this is nice, but you must pay extra for the band.

And this is often an extra tenner. This excess is on top of the overpriced food and drinks that are too expensive compared to my Top 5 Venice restaurants!

Lunchtime for Venice Restaurants is from noon. The restaurants are open during lunch, but the better ones remain closed. Dinner starts around 19:30, and the kitchen is open until 23:59. But because of tourism, many restaurants in Venice serve their guests much earlier. For dessert, the Venetians prefer pudding, fruit, or cheese. After the meal, there will be coffee to finish.

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Venice Restaurant Beer

If you wander the streets of Venice, you will encounter many restaurants. Street corners where you will have fast food at an attractive price.

Think of all kinds of pizza slices, salads, and sandwiches. I advise trying at least one evening in a restaurant, which is in my top 5!

Other options are to eat outside of Venice. Especially when your hotel is not in the ancient city, you can always visit the best restaurant at Punta Sabbioni, Albergo Villa Gentile.' An excellent haven for Venice lovers in my favorite village 'Ca Savio.' The village's location is at the end of Punta Sabbioni in Cavallino-Treporti. The place where many campsites are.

Last Tip: A water bottle can be bought at St. Mark's Square or near the Rialto Bridge, and you will pay EUR 1.50. While if you buy the same bottle three blocks away, it is EUR 1.20. It's the same with the Venice restaurants. But hey, let's get rid of plastic and save the world! There are almost 100 drinking fountains in Venice where you can refill your bottle! Please check

How to cook the delights of Venetian cuisine by yourself

Have you also enjoyed those delicious authentic dishes from Venice? Order the book and follow the courses of the Italian meal and recipes from the Veneto.

The local Aperol Spritz, of polenta and shrimp, or ravioli with artichoke grilled monkfish, but also classics such as tiramisu, risotto, and bellini. In A Taste of Venice (order now), you will discover the richness of Venetian cuisine. Buon appetito !!

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My Dinner at Vini da Gigio Not rated yet
After several recommendations I finally enjoyed the taste of Vini da Gigio. What a nice evening at this Venice restaurant. Absolutely delicious! I eat …

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