Discover the Magic of Venice:
Stories Reviews and Experiences from Travelers Like You
And Share your own Travel Story. is all about my own Reviews and Experiences. Together with my family and my trips to the city alone. Do you remember that my car trip to Venice took too long? Or my stays at cozy restaurants and hotels? 

But, everyone who steps into Venice carries a unique story, an unforgettable memory. Suppose you've been enchanted by Venice's allure. This article invites you to share your tales and experiences while diving into those of others.

And what do you think of my experience from Treviso Airport to Venice? The first time I took the train from this airport. This felt like an adventure. Because it was off-road, the tourist trap with ATVO shuttle busses to Venice.

Ah ... the memories.

Venice Reviews and Experiences

But now I want to turn it around. It is up to you...

I really want to hear what your Venice reviews and experiences are. The most exciting information about Venice and Venice tips...

Everything, as long as it's about Venice, that you want to share. If you've been to Venice and are excited about the city, just like me, please share your story!

I would love to read your reviews and experiences. And I am sure that other visitors to this site are also grateful!

1. Gondola Glides & Serenades

Almost every Venice traveler has a gondola story to tell. Anna, a tourist from New York, recalled,

"The gondolier sang to us as he navigated through the narrow canals. The music resonated with the rippling water and the centuries-old buildings, transporting us to another era."

2. Culinary Delights

Venetian cuisine blends rich flavors, with seafood taking center stage. Mark, a food blogger from Australia, shared his experience:

"I still dream about the 'Sarde in Saor' (sweet and sour sardines) I tasted in a quaint osteria off the beaten path. The fusion of sweet raisins and tangy vinegar, combined with fresh sardines, was unlike anything I've ever tasted."

3. The Spirit of Carnevale

For those lucky enough to visit Venice during Carnevale, the experience is surreal. Dressed in elaborate costumes and masks, Venice transforms into a theatrical stage. Jacob, a photographer from Canada, described it as;

"A once-in-a-lifetime spectacle! The streets brimmed with colors, music, and an unmatched festive spirit."

4. Off the Beaten Path

While most tourists flock to the famous spots, some discover Venice's hidden gems. Layla, a backpacker from South Africa, shared;

"I wandered into the Jewish Ghetto and was mesmerized by its rich history and culture. The Museo Ebraico offered a deep dive into the lives of the Jewish community that once thrived here.

San-Marco-ReviewArt & Architecture Venice is a treasure trove of Renaissance art and stunning Gothic architecture. Sofia from Spain exclaimed, "I was left breathless when I stepped into St. Mark's Basilica. The golden mosaics narrate stories that words could never do justice to."

Share Your Venice Story

Every alley, bridge, and square in Venice holds countless stories. Perhaps it was a serendipitous meeting with a local, an unexpected find in a bookstore, or the sheer beauty of a Venetian sunset that took your breath away. Whatever your memory. reviews and experiences. it's a piece of the larger tapestry that makes Venice the mesmerizing city it is.

We urge you to share your story if Venice has touched your soul. In doing so, you'll relive your experiences and inspire others to embark on their Venetian journey.

French novelist Marcel Proust said, "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." So, when you visit Venice, look beyond the obvious. Seek stories, weave your own, and share them with the world. Every narrative adds a stroke to the grand painting that is Venice.

Have you experienced the charm of Venice? Share your stories and inspire fellow travelers. Remember, every journey is unique, and every story is worth telling.

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Venice Hotels, Campsites & Apartments:

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Went to Venice today to follow my passion for glass. Was amazed to find the cost of a return ticket to Murano was $50 Australian dollars. Really! …

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...Venice Reviews and Experiences posted earlier:

By Rudmer Hoekstra (author):

Start looking for a cheap place to sleep in Venice